è ritornato il tempo delle margherite,
da piccoli
chi non staccava i petali intervallando un "m'ama" "non m'ama"??
ecco, io lo faccio anche adesso..
Buon venerdì a tutti,
-2 a Pasqua e Pasquetta!
that's the time of daisies,
when I was a child
I used to pull off the petals, thinking "loves me" / "loves me not"?
well, even now I do it..
Happy Friday to everybody,
-2 days To Easter and Easter Monday!
Prossimo progetto dopo le feste???
Da martedì D-I-E-T-A...
My next project?
Tue... Diet...
that's the time of daisies,
when I was a child
I used to pull off the petals, thinking "loves me" / "loves me not"?
well, even now I do it..
Happy Friday to everybody,
-2 days To Easter and Easter Monday!
Prossimo progetto dopo le feste???
Da martedì D-I-E-T-A...
My next project?
Tue... Diet...
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